change is good!
Change is opportunity
Change is learning. Learning is growing
Without change, things stay the same and will ultimately stagnate and die
Most people are afraid of change because it forces them outside their comfort zone. (go there it’s not that uncomfortable)
Is it time to review, refresh or redesign your brand?
it can be hard to know if you’re in need of a rebrand. too often the red flags get lost in the hustle and bustle of work day madness. and even when you do notice them, the decision to actually embark on a rebranding initiative is not an easy one. daunting as this task may seem, you are not alone, almost every company has gone through a rebranding process, and some even have more than once in just a decade.
think of the value of rebranding as a long-term investment. it can infuse your marketing efforts with renewed relevance, vigor and freshness, enable you to reach new audiences and even allow you to charge more for your products or services.
here are some famous examples of rebranding: